Sunday, March 29, 2009

Limits of Governance

Gun control, Web control, Mind control

They made me read Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four. I had to make a book report about how this totalitarian regime used electronic media to brainwash people. My report said that the electronic media made totalitarianism very difficult and I laughed at my teacher. Never in a thousand years did I think it could happen here. My teacher had the last laugh!
Dr. Paul

I don’t have much time, they’re coming, and it’s just a matter of time. “They” will shut down this blog like they did the others. “They” will do almost anything to stop it. It is a document considered so dangerous and subversive that merely possessing it can bring scandal. Even the prominent Dr. Paul has been slandered for publicly affiliating himself with this document. If “they” find out you have it; you could be labeled a subversive, radical or even a terrorist.

I don’t have much time; “they” are coming and I’m so tired. You don’t know me; I would not blame you if you went to another web site now. Maybe you think I’m nuts or paranoid; maybe I am, I hope so. My teacher said that the electronic media could be used to, to, excuse me, to brainwash all of us. The electronic media can also be used to preserve the truth. In spite of all the dangers I’m asking you; no, I’m begging you to download the document, make copies and hide them. Copy the document onto your flash drives, your floppy disks and your CDs. “They” can’t get all of the copies, can they?

Why would You do such a thing, risk scandal and embarrassment?

I don’t know; I would not blame you if you left. You don’t know me or what’s on the other side of the link. People who don’t know either of us risked their reputations, their fortunes and even their lives so you could copy this document.

Why would anybody risk anything for this document?

The document is considered subversive because it prescribes theoretical limits of governance. This document proposes limits beyond which the men in power should never reach. As you might guess the men in power don’t like that. “They” don’t want you to have the document. “They” don’t want to read the document. “They” don’t want you to discuss the document.

They’re here; I’ve got to go. With some luck maybe it will take “them” several months to trace this blog. Maybe some people will have a chance to copy the document for their Posterity.

We the People

Monday, March 23, 2009


Ron Paul My-my; and today they want you to donate $750,000,000,000 to the rich and mighty! My God, how did we get here? In 2000 after claiming credit for the good economy for 8 years Bill Clinton had lead us into a recession. In 2001 desperately trying to get out of this recession Bush cut taxes and the fed lowered interest rates. The fed did get little extreme. The classic formula worked but many Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) were based on historically low interest rates. Furthermore both Republicans and Democrats were pushing for greater home ownership. What happens when you stretch a rubber band too far?

Fast forward a couple years. Rosy predictions for the Jews war turned out to be...... With the government borrowing money at an insane rate and higher gas prices causing commodities inflation the fed had to raise interest rates...allot! What happens when a diver comes up to the surface too fast...the bens. People knew the interest might raise a couple points but when their mortgages adjusted they adjusted for a 5% change in interest rates!!! This was a hard knock for people who gave themselves plenty of leeway. For those whose mortgages were already on the edge (sub prime) this must have been a desperate situation.

But only a small percentage of "sub prime" loans went bad! Since the margin for these loans was only a few percent, a small percentage of failures started the dominos falling.

What of these top executives who are so smart that they are worth hundreds of millions of dollar$? Nobody is that smart. These multy-million dollar executives made the same mistakes that the average, financial illiterate made; and yet, still walked away with millions of dollars. This is the problem! Even if everything ends up rosy and the government gets the taxpayers money back we are still stuck with the same business royalty. We have in-fact developed in this country a business aristocracy no different than the British gentry or the French aristocracy. These royal executives are stupid, lazy, dishonest and useless. Consider a man who is paid $400,000,000; could he not afford his own accounting firm, just to double-check the numbers? These financial collapses are ugly and painful; but, it's how the system rids itself of parasites!

Is there anyone that believes the Jews ( AIPAC) did not push the Iraq war? Is there anyone that believes the government can borrow $1,000,000,000,000 and not effect interest rates? Is there anyone that would like to buy a bridge to New York City (in Brookland), cheap?

The proper way to promote home ownership is with limited government, low taxes and low government debt. Low taxes encourages a robust economy. When we borrow money we have to compete with our government, the less money the government borrows the better for us. Blatantly ignoring market realities will always come back to haunt us.

I don't know; the more I hear of this bailout, the less I like it. Nobody is going to bailout me. Now that we are all depressed let me recommend a bailout for the libito:

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Naughty Nudes # 39 The 39th post in the Naughty Nudes mega TGP with 20 galleries from VIEWPORNSTARS, 17 FEMJOY, 16 PENTHOUSE and 11 Als Scan.
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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

End of Slag

Slag is a partially vitreous by-product of smelting ore to purify metals. (Wikipedia)

We are the children of the true slag masters. I am nearing 50 years now and I want you to know the heritage that is Philadelphia.

In the time of our parents when Philadelphia was at its ugliest and great chimneys belched black smoke that spread throughout the city, Philadelphia forged the foundation of a nation. Located perfectly between fire and water (between the steel mills and the sea) the steel rendered from the slag was beaten into plates, bolts, shovels, bearings and axils for trains. Trains brought steel from Allentown and Bethlehem (Pa.) to Philadelphia to be forged into every conceivable shape and contraption. These innocuous bits and pieces of greater things were shipped around the world. Native Americans wanted steel that could hold an edge. Tough and durable steel knives and arrow heads lasted longer than ones made of stone and could be easily sharpened.

It wasn’t just steel either. Sears was just down the street, shipping to every east-coast Sears shop. Breyers made Ice-cream here. The first television cameras were made by RCA across the river. The first modern computer was made at the University of Pennsylvania. The seeds of the Internet and ASCII code began here.

In the age of slag freighters left the port of Philadelphia laden heavy with the products of this area and ran deep in the water. I hear people saying that the one bright spot in our economy is that government, medicine and teachers are hiring; but, they do not create wealth. When common rocks are turned into steel; steel into bolts and bolts into machines, wealth is created that did not exist before, enriching the whole.

They say that Philadelphia is becoming a “pretty city”. You might think that people might be glad to say goodbye to the acrid smoke from the age of slag. In my nearly 50 years I have never heard one dennison of this dynamic city look forward to being a “pretty city”. So it is that we must face the end of slag with some courage though none of us feel very brave. The trade deficit grows larger as we mortgage our futures to the Chinese. For myself I have one desperate attempt to survive the end of slag, my website: Naughty Nudes Galleries. I don’t know what everybody else is going to do. These people are strong and in time I’m sure they will find a way. Just don’t tell me that doctors, lawyers and indian chiefs will replace people and businesses that actually produced stuff.
Slagmaster DitelHead

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Naughty News

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