Sunday, April 26, 2009

Rights, Nudes and the Internet

In the near future a man uses an illegal laptop to hack into the internet which is now highly restricted. With the secret police hot on his trail he tries desperately to upload a copy of the original constitution before it was “improved”. For that matter how do you know “they” have not already improved the constitution? Wasn’t that what that fellow, Winston Smith did in Orwell’s “Nineteen Eighty-four”, improved documents that contradicted current ideology? The only way you can prevent “them” from improving the constitution any more is to save several copies for your posterity.

It’s so easy to piecemeal, pick and peal people’s rights away. Pot smokers did not care about the right of beer drinkers, prohibition 1920. Cigarette smokers did not care about the rights of pot smokers, Marijuana Tax Act in 1937. Now cigarettes are banned in public places and “they” are pursuing the same kind of propaganda campaign they used against marijuana. Gays and blacks had a very legitimate issue with “hate speech”; but, Jews have committed war crimes using hate speech prohibitions as cover. This is precisely why our constitution protects the right to free speech. Christians don’t care about the rights of Muslims. Our constitution was framed in the context of a thousand years of European religious persecution. People who do not own guns don’t care about gun owners rights. Be very carful here, government controls on gun ownership are based on ideology not weather someone presents a danger to the community. There are a lot of strange people out there who own guns and never hurt anybody. People who use the web to look at cosmology don’t care about those that use the web to look at nudes. That brings us back to our hero desperately trying to propagate the original and unimproved version of the constitution on the new and “improved” (restricted) web.

This is all just my opinion and my opinion never mattered to anyone but me.

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