Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Health Care

Did anyone know forty years ago when President Johnson proposed his great society that these entitlements would grow uncontrollably to such monumental proportions? How could they. Who can see the future? Social Security and Medicare are uncontrollable and nobody knows how we will fund these in the future. Nobody ever foresaw these programs growing to 100% of the nation’s economy. That is to say that we are fast approaching a point where the government will have to tax 100% of everybody’s paycheck!

We stand on the eve of initiating a new order of entitlements that will dwarf President Johnson’s great society; which, at the time was only a small portion of the nation’s economy. Furthermore our fine representatives in Washington intend to raid Medicare the same way they raided Social Security! Imagine stealing form an already bankrupt entitlement. Since no congressman really wants to be caught with his hand in our cookie jar; our esteemed representatives have constructed a convoluted way of passing this unpopular legislation with out passing it explicitly. It doesn’t surprise me that these people intend to pass this regardless of what the people want. We all know that these Washington lawyers who never produced anything but hot air are smarter than everybody else.

Don’t you think before we pass this new order of entitlements; we should figure out how we will fund the entitlements we already have? How will young people get their first job if businesses are required to provide an extra $5,000 in health insurance? How can anybody possibly know the long term cost of this giant bureaucracy? The cost has been estimated based on the idea that nothing changes. The fact that a giant government bureaucracy is pushing up demand for health insurance will drive the price even higher than it already is. Government will double medical inflation.

The only possible solution to the problem is for John Q. Public to pay out of pocket. When John Q. Public looks at his doctors and asks them where they get the nerve to ask for that much money the medical mafia will begin to change.

Gun Control => Web Control => Mind Control, sooner than you think.

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