Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sooner than Expected

Gun control, web control, mind control, something I wrote a long time ago. That was how I started my blog. In “Limits of Governance” I described a man in what I hoped would be a distant future desperately trying to hack into a government controlled internet and upload an unimproved version of the CONSTITUTION of the United States. I warned people that they should save a copy before the government “improves” the constitution. In “Rights, Nudes and the Internet” I warned “People who use the web to look at Cosmology don’t care about the rights of people who use the web to look at nudes” and both would loose their rights. Mr. Orwell has had the last laugh, good bye freedom: Cyber security act of 2009.

Do any of you understand how dangerous this is? Everything you know and all that you see will be put through government filters! In “Naughty News” I complained about CNN ignoring the news to cheer for Obama. They failed to cover tanks in Georgia, a collapsing financial system, Gaza or a resurgent Taliban. They spent all their time engaged in idle political gossip rather than asking who is pulling the strings. I don’t know; but, my guess is the people pulling Obama’s strings are some of the same people pulling strings at CNN and the Bush administration. One fact remains; The government is out of control and it will be up to “we the people” to stop it!

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