Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Disaster in the Gulf

This is a disaster; no one in their right mind would say otherwise. While we are stewing in righteous and justified indignation; we need to understand, if we make these oil companies risk averse; we will be the ultimate losers. We need these companies to take risk.

All I’ve heard from the beginning is who’s liable. We are going to hold BP and Trans Ocean responsible and gouge them to the fullest extent of the law. How is this kind of talk helpful when part of the problem is that these guys are already running for cover? For gods sake people think. Real conservatives believe that the government should do what only the government can do and not micromanage every aspect of your life. The Gulf oil disaster is just such a situation where government needed to work to contain the oil spill while industry tried to plug the hole. All we have is a lynch mob of useless politicians with law degrees who would not know science if it bit them on the ass.

Who is really responsible for the worst environmental disaster in America’s history? In my opinion this disaster was caused by the unholy alliance of Government and the environmental lobby. Ridiculous restrictions on exploration and government policies pushed the oil companies out into deep water where they can’t fix things if their fail safes fail. We just had an oil spill in Alaska; a guy went out and fixed it with a wrench because it was onshore and he could get to it. It was after all our government that pushed these companies into deep water.

Obama just gave a speech where he said that the fact that BP was in mile deep water was because all the easily accessible oil was gone. Plain and simple, Obama lied and none of the press core challenged him on it! The government owns one third of this country and 95% of federal lands are off limits to oil exploration. The fact is we need to develop government lands. You may have heard dishonest politicians say America only has a few percent of the worlds oil reserves. Oil reserves refers to known oil containing structures. Oil does not bite you in the ass, you have to look for it and nobody knows how much oil is on federal land. Estimates range from 50 years to 1,000 years on land and in shallow water. In these places even a catastrophic failure could be contained. The total idiocy of banning oil production in ANWAR is unbelievable. Since it may take ten years to develop ANWAR, we need to start now! The same dishonest politicians have claimed oil companies are not using the leases they have. Once again you can blame the environmentalists as there are many reasons for non producing leases.

I neither excuse nor dismiss the abominable behavior BPs executives. This is a catastrophic ecological disaster. I spent many summers on Alabamas Gulf coast. Alabamas Gulf coast is probably the most beautiful place in the world. There is plenty of blame to go around and those that are pointing fingers (the government and environmentalists) are just as guilty as those that are hiding (the executives of BP and Trans Ocean). Instead of pointing fingers we could have set three layer boom completely around the well to contain the spill. The boom would have to rise three feet above the water and have a skirt shat drops 50 feet below the water.

We can’t make these companies so gun shy they stop drilling in deep water. Your clothing, medicines, fertilizers and even wind turbines are made of crude oil. There are over 3,500 wells in the gulf that survived Katrina and function every day with little environmental consequence. By far the most dangerous thing to our environment is the environmental lobby.

These rabid environmentalists are simply elitist that tell us we can’t continue the living standards of Americans while the environmentalists live at five times the consumption rate of the average American. They don’t want to see oil derricks off their beach. They don’t want to see wind turbines either. They don’t want to see power lines which would greatly increase the efficiency of the electric grid thus reducing pollution. They think they are the lords and you are peasants. It was the environmental lobby that put timber companies out of business. Timber companies were the best protector of the environment.

Number of environmentalist lobbying for fusion power: 0

Number of environmentalists living in town houses: 0

Number of environmentalists proposing real solutions: .001%

Number of environmentalists driving gas gulping machines: 89%

We can drill for oil where even catastrophic failures can be contained. In a situation like the BP oil disaster instead of pointing fingers and making threats government and business need to work together to minimize the damage. If we make these companies “risk avers” we will be the big losers. Someone needs to hold the environmental lobby accountable. What would it do to the environment if 50,000,000 Americans started cutting down the forest to heat their houses? Should we start hunting whales again?

A lawyer might risk a paper cut. An environmentalist might risk some embarrassment when the truth is known. A politician risks not winning the next election. To keep this country running, oil companies risk hundreds of millions of dollars, lives and their own future every day. Last April BP lost that risk.

In the final analysis we could try something almost unheard of … working together to fix the problem!

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