Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Truth Ban

Has the truth been banned from public discourse? Is George Orwell really rolling over in his grave? It would seem so.

Helen Thomas was forced into multiple mia-culpas the other day when she accidentally let the truth slip out. Referring to an act of piracy carried out in support of an illegal blockade imposed by an occupying force because the wrong people were elected in Vichy-Palestine. Both Fox and CNN showed an utter lack of journalistic ethics by referring to her remarks as “controversial” when in fact they were simply factual. Not conservative nor liberal nor anti-Semitic, just indisputable historical facts. All of Israel is occupied Palestinian land. Where the Jews should go is not the Palestinians problem. This is the inconvenient truth!

CNN is now doing a special on the poisoning of America with Sanjay Gupta. It’s is part of the whole anti industrialization anti corporation theme. They started with insecticides. CNN described how cavalier usage of these dangerous chemicals in the 1960’s lead to problems in the 1980’s and how many of us have these chemicals in our bodies. As far as that goes they are right. CNN did not mention that every year, insecticides save more lives than all the doctors and all the hospitals and all the wonder drugs in all the world in all of history, did they? CNN only tells half the story. Global warming is also part of their agenda; but, CNN forgets to tell people that for most of the last half billion years the earth was much warmer than it is now. Neither CNN nor the environmental lobby wants you to hear these two inconvenient truths; they’re not PC. Any one who has tried to mention them is ignored or belittled.

Now, to be really politically incorrect; we need the oil companies! Nobody thinks that these companies are run by saints. Oil companies are run for profit and that’s not a bad thing. Between the mess in the gulf and the enormous debt our democratic leaders are running up we better hope that oil companies, especially BP make allot of profit. We better hope that we will always have companies willing to take risk. By the end of this month BP will be the only company in the world that knows how to cap a well under a mile of ocean.

CNN interviewed an oil company executive who said we would not have to drill in such deep water if the government would open up federal lands and shallow water areas to oil exploration. CNN never followed that up, they just ignored the guy. Irresponsible environmentalists don’t even want to let people see how much oil might be there.

Lawyers and politicians who take no risk and produce nothing can always find fault. The Obama administration has taken an adversarial stance to the oil companies. Rather than working together to contain the problem the Obama administration pointed fingers and the BP executives used dispersants to hide the problem. Obama wants the government to do everything but what it needs to do. His lackluster response to this accident, when it was still containable was the real disaster here.

Politicians and lawyers always look for some one to blame. This only forces BP executives to run for cover and exacerbates the problem. Lawyers and politicians risk nothing and produce nothing but hot air. In the real world producing anything entails risk. In the real world shortcuts are taken and mistakes are made. No lawyer or politician has ever put one drop of gas in your tank. How long would the Florida tourist trade last without gas?

We need to work together to find out what went wrong. It will be impossible to do this if all the executives are running for cover. Government and industry must work together develop safer ways to do deep water drilling. Government must respond better next time to prevent an accident from becoming a catastrophe. Whether purposely or by sheer stupidity Obama let the gulf coast die to promote his green agenda.

I was amazed to see those robots work. The technology here is beyond beyond.
Some people are under the illusion that oil will stay under ground; it will not. Oil must eventually come to the surface. When oil comes to the surface is can cause an ecological disaster that lasts for thousands of years like the La Brea Tar Pits.

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